Creek Trail Improvement

Our latest project involved building a boardwalk over a flooded area of Creek Trail. 

A section of Creek Trail flooded so often with heavy rains that we’ve had that section of it become impossible to cross.

In September, a dozen volunteers worked for 5 hours to lay 400 feet (40 sections) of boardwalk over that area which had become virtually impassable during the spring and summer months due to heavy rains.  Our thanks to our volunteers and to the 84 Lumber Company in Douglassville for providing project materials at a substantial discount! 

The only casualty was to Pete Huha’s ATV that helped to transport many board feet of 2X10s and 4X4s down the trail so that construction could be done.  It found a low branch that broke its windsheilf and took off the roof. Ouch! 

Elevated Trail

Lower Trail Improvements

MHCA volunteers transformed an unusable section of Lower Trail into a usable trail even during periods of extended heavy rain with civil engineering and gravel.